DIY Ladies Workshop

The purpose of the Adult and Community Education team is to provide adults with community-based education, foundation skills, and pathways into other learning opportunities that meet individual and community learning needs.  We provide support in the following:

  • One on one and group employability support

  • Digital support & inclusion

  • Te Ao Māori me ona tikanga

  • Embedded literacy & numeracy programmes

  • Environmental and sustainable living skills and knowledge

  • Whānau planning, goal setting and life skills

  • Mentoring, leadership, personal development, communication skills, public speaking, goal setting

Teen Parenting and Parenting Support

Mātua Atawhai / Caring Parents


Teen Parents Support


Adult Community Education


Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Up-cycling is a sustainable and innovative approach to re-purposing discarded items, breathing new life into them with creativity and ingenuity. Unlike traditional recycling, which breaks materials down into raw components, up cycling involves transforming used or unwanted objects into something of greater value without the need for extensive processing. It's a practice that not only reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact but also encourages a shift towards a more conscious and mindful consumer culture. Up-cycling fosters a sense of resourcefulness, inviting individuals to view everyday items not as disposable, but as potential canvases for artistic expression or functional components waiting to be rediscovered. By embracing up cycling, we not only contribute to a more sustainable planet but also celebrate the beauty of re-purposing and the limitless possibilities that lie within the objects we often overlook.

Take a look at some of the amazing up cycling projects that have taken place at ‘Honor Your Life & Up-cycle 2023 

Some creations from Honor Your Life & Upcycle

Have a go!!!